Heading off to Leshan to visit the giant Buddha. Weighing (so to speak) in at 71 meters (that's 232 feet to you and me) it's the largest buddha in the world. And being over 1000 years old, it's in pretty good shape. Nearly a two hour drive to Leshan, we had a great chance to get to know each other and compare notes on our favorite things. Duxin is very knowledgeable. We've talked politics and religion, similar views on both. It's been interesting to talk about the foundations of communism versus how it really works in practice. These guys know what's really going on. Ren, responsible for driving us around, is exceptional affable, although speaks absolutely no english. We've had a few laughs over lunch (more on that later) but I'm not sure if he was laughing AT me or just NEAR me... Ask me later about "Pa er do".