Friday, May 28, 2010
Advertising. Chengdu advertising.
Amazing to see all the advertising here in Chengdu. Everything seems to be geared toward a more glamorous lifestyle. Luxurious living, beautiful people doing amazing things, glorious products. I realize it isn't that different from advertising everywhere else in the world, but this seems much more overt. Coming from a glamour heavy part of the world (Los Angeles) I thought we were more airbrushed but it appears that places like Chengdu (and China in general) have a much more glamorous plan for its consumers. The models are westernized versions of the chinese, perfect features, perfect smiles. They all look wildly happy. Is this our legacy? Have we trained the rest of the world on how to best sell goods and services by boosting the glam factor? I admit I contribute to this but I'm just rather blown away by the level they have reached here in China.